Knee Deep in Sky High*
...or rather, "Neck Deep in clear Blue Sea" ...
We were out at the beautiful Dragon Moon Island shooting photos for the Firework Girl Clothing Series, we'd stooped shooting and were afk whilst uploading to, and looking at and choosing photos from the buckets. I came back to the SL viewer quickly on the sound of an in-coming IM, and there was poor Blu up to her neck in the sea.
The IM was an apology from the girl who'd lost contol of her borrowed wave-rider, crashed into Blu who was stood close to the shore-line and knocked her, base-over-apex, into the water.
From the look on her boat I'd say that Blu wasn't best pleased.

"Help..." she called out to me,

"What the hell happened ?" she asked,

Of course, that big, frowing, not-best-pleased expression might have been because by the time she got back to the SL viewer to read her own copy of the IMed apology, yours truly was sitting at the waterside curled up laughing...
*Andy McCoy from the album "Too Much Ain't Enough

The IM was an apology from the girl who'd lost contol of her borrowed wave-rider, crashed into Blu who was stood close to the shore-line and knocked her, base-over-apex, into the water.
From the look on her boat I'd say that Blu wasn't best pleased.

*Andy McCoy from the album "Too Much Ain't Enough
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