nubism that a word?

What about nubist?
...or n00bophile? Heheh, isn't that one of those peeps that hangs out on welcome island to help the new people find their feet?
Ok, ok, i'm only kidding, me and Blu we like the n00bs too, hell.... we can still remember being one, erm two... well, one each know what I mean? It wasn't so long ago that we didn't know jack, (perhaps we still don't,) and I for one, will remain forever grateful to those that gave of their time to help me get started in SL.
So... meet Ebi Ebi, actually that's Mr Ebi to you, 'cos I mean, it'd be rude to call him by his first name until he said it was all right now, wouldn't it ?
Blu and I were out shooting the adverts for some of the Special Editions series, I'd just got my shots, Blu was finishing up 'Glowing'. In flew Ebi, in some odd looking togs (of which alas, I have no photo,) and full of questions like, "What's she doing over there?"
"Erm... taking pictures dude."
As we fitted him out with some half-decent freebies and the ubiquitous firefox tee-shirt, he told us about the outfit he was wearing when he arrived,
"I had a hard enough time figuring out how to choose clothes the first time around. :) " revealed Ebi,
"hehehe, it all comes with practice - it was the same for us too !" says I,
"i just created this 20 minutes ago... i took of my jeans, and i couldn't find them anymore. so i made these pants out of wood."
"fantastic !"
"the shirt is made out of a waterfall."
...we have adored this guy ever since. he has none of that "boys know all about computers, cars, gaming and everything else in the world in general arrogance" that I may have banged on about (repeatedly,) in other posts, just a genuine sense of fun, a healthy helping of inquisitiveness and erm.... a penchant for things bovine. The latter might be my fault now that I think about it, I think I discovered the fabulous 'free to copy' Vertu-Cow a few minutes before we met Ebi, I might inadvertently have had some lasting influence over his formative hours in SL.
A short while later we were at the New Citizens Plaza. Exactly what we were looking for, I do not recall, but I remember that this cute little girlie with the pussy-cat ears and tail gave Ebi an M60 machine-gun. Hmmmmm, perhaps me and the cows weren't so potentially harmful after all.
Our search, the same evening, for Ebi's first Tux was initially unsuccessful. A few months back we'd found an excellent one, in a very posh store, for free. But, things change fast in SL, we weren't even sure that we'd found the right store and if we had, well... there were no more free tuxedos. Still, it's funny what you carry around in your inv, at the New Citizens place I picked up something called 'male gift box' because it contained, (in amongst the drugs, spanking paddles and general freebie-tat,) a sail-boat that I was planning to give to our dear friend Austin. Well, would you adam and eve it? There was a tux in there too! - It would seem that New Citizens Inc is not just a nubist colony ;c)
It was a couple of nights before we caught up with Ebi again. He told us of, "this guy called Lee, he gives you a dollar every 300 seconds if you sit in his chair." We laughed and explained the concept of 'camping chairs,' 'dance pads' and dwell and told him that we do a fair amount of that too in order to keep the coffers topped up, LogSpark International we may be, but we're some way yet from the pair of permanent moorings in the Med!
A few nights later again Ebi confided in Blu that he thought that maybe Mr Lee had got mad at him for camping out too long. We'd given Ebi the mouse-mover software so that he would be able to stay 'active' and therefore keep earning camping money whilst he was afk and he'd spent the weekend in a chair at Greater Hong Kong ... or rather, he thought that's what he was doing. When he came back to his PC on the sunday night he found that he was stuck in the bouncy castle and had the devil's own job to exctricate himself!
Blu kindly confessed for the pair of us... we found him, out of his chair having been ejected on a timeout, (or when it ran out of cash,) and standing, with a crowd of other recently ejected campers, looking vacantly around the place as his avatar's eyes follwed the automated movement of the mouse cursor across the screen.
We were, I have to say, at somewhat of a loose end that night and little by little we had bumped him across Mr Lee's yard to the money tree. We thought that maybe, just maybe he could recoup some of his losses when he 'woke up.' Excitement over we wandered around looking at the 'games within the game' and reading the signs and I marvelled at the idea of the 'free marketerring network' [sic] ...and then we found the bouncy castle. We probably blew another half hour or more getting him back across the yard and into the castle, but oh my... it was well worth the effort.
Last Night, (2006.07.18) Ebi told us he was looking for an outfit for a pink-themed event. I was only joking when I suggested he wore our pink snakeskin catsuit, but always game for a laugh Ebi gave it a go. Blu and I got too involved in clearing up one of my bright ideas that turned out to be a right boo-boo and never made it to the club in time to cast our votes for Ebi. Whether our votes would've made any difference we shall, of course, never know. When we caught up with Ebi, by now in his Pink Floyd tee-shirt and jeans and he told us,

"I wanted to yell out when i didn't win, 'i've stood here for two hours, dancing with a GUY and I didn't even get an honorable mention'"
Blu and I, we were curled up laughing. Blu said she was laughing so hard that she couldn't emit a single sound. It's true, I couldn't hear her!
Update 2006.07.29 - we let him out on his own the other night.... look what happened,

What about nubist?
...or n00bophile? Heheh, isn't that one of those peeps that hangs out on welcome island to help the new people find their feet?
Ok, ok, i'm only kidding, me and Blu we like the n00bs too, hell.... we can still remember being one, erm two... well, one each know what I mean? It wasn't so long ago that we didn't know jack, (perhaps we still don't,) and I for one, will remain forever grateful to those that gave of their time to help me get started in SL.
So... meet Ebi Ebi, actually that's Mr Ebi to you, 'cos I mean, it'd be rude to call him by his first name until he said it was all right now, wouldn't it ?

"Erm... taking pictures dude."
As we fitted him out with some half-decent freebies and the ubiquitous firefox tee-shirt, he told us about the outfit he was wearing when he arrived,
"I had a hard enough time figuring out how to choose clothes the first time around. :) " revealed Ebi,
"hehehe, it all comes with practice - it was the same for us too !" says I,
"i just created this 20 minutes ago... i took of my jeans, and i couldn't find them anymore. so i made these pants out of wood."
"fantastic !"
"the shirt is made out of a waterfall."
...we have adored this guy ever since. he has none of that "boys know all about computers, cars, gaming and everything else in the world in general arrogance" that I may have banged on about (repeatedly,) in other posts, just a genuine sense of fun, a healthy helping of inquisitiveness and erm.... a penchant for things bovine. The latter might be my fault now that I think about it, I think I discovered the fabulous 'free to copy' Vertu-Cow a few minutes before we met Ebi, I might inadvertently have had some lasting influence over his formative hours in SL.
A short while later we were at the New Citizens Plaza. Exactly what we were looking for, I do not recall, but I remember that this cute little girlie with the pussy-cat ears and tail gave Ebi an M60 machine-gun. Hmmmmm, perhaps me and the cows weren't so potentially harmful after all.
Our search, the same evening, for Ebi's first Tux was initially unsuccessful. A few months back we'd found an excellent one, in a very posh store, for free. But, things change fast in SL, we weren't even sure that we'd found the right store and if we had, well... there were no more free tuxedos. Still, it's funny what you carry around in your inv, at the New Citizens place I picked up something called 'male gift box' because it contained, (in amongst the drugs, spanking paddles and general freebie-tat,) a sail-boat that I was planning to give to our dear friend Austin. Well, would you adam and eve it? There was a tux in there too! - It would seem that New Citizens Inc is not just a nubist colony ;c)
It was a couple of nights before we caught up with Ebi again. He told us of, "this guy called Lee, he gives you a dollar every 300 seconds if you sit in his chair." We laughed and explained the concept of 'camping chairs,' 'dance pads' and dwell and told him that we do a fair amount of that too in order to keep the coffers topped up, LogSpark International we may be, but we're some way yet from the pair of permanent moorings in the Med!

We were, I have to say, at somewhat of a loose end that night and little by little we had bumped him across Mr Lee's yard to the money tree. We thought that maybe, just maybe he could recoup some of his losses when he 'woke up.' Excitement over we wandered around looking at the 'games within the game' and reading the signs and I marvelled at the idea of the 'free marketerring network' [sic] ...and then we found the bouncy castle. We probably blew another half hour or more getting him back across the yard and into the castle, but oh my... it was well worth the effort.
Last Night, (2006.07.18) Ebi told us he was looking for an outfit for a pink-themed event. I was only joking when I suggested he wore our pink snakeskin catsuit, but always game for a laugh Ebi gave it a go. Blu and I got too involved in clearing up one of my bright ideas that turned out to be a right boo-boo and never made it to the club in time to cast our votes for Ebi. Whether our votes would've made any difference we shall, of course, never know. When we caught up with Ebi, by now in his Pink Floyd tee-shirt and jeans and he told us,

"I wanted to yell out when i didn't win, 'i've stood here for two hours, dancing with a GUY and I didn't even get an honorable mention'"
Blu and I, we were curled up laughing. Blu said she was laughing so hard that she couldn't emit a single sound. It's true, I couldn't hear her!
Update 2006.07.29 - we let him out on his own the other night.... look what happened,

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